Thursday, December 10, 2009

Y doesnt anyone answer? Please, all people w/ experience or any helpful info. 2 days late! w/ BFN 4

I am 2 days late and this has never happened before in 12 years. I am always a steady 27 or 28 days cycle. I used OPK's and cm to pinpoint ovulation and BD all around that BFP OPK. I am now cycle day 30 and I am getting a bit excited although 4 days ago I had a BFN. My engine just went in my car and I can not make it to the store for a couple of days until I get my car fixed. Right now, I am just waiting for AF. I should be able to get to the store for more tests in 2 days but am going nuts right now. I have no symptoms of being pregnant except that my BB's are sooo very sore, even more than my usual AF symptom. Also no other AF signs! I always have intense cramps the day before and the days of AF but none. What do you think? Could it be even though I had a BFN 4 days ago? Thank you in advance for your information!

Y doesnt anyone answer? Please, all people w/ experience or any helpful info. 2 days late! w/ BFN 4 daysago?performing shows

Please be aware that there are many other factors which may influence the length of your delayed ovulation cycle. I don't mean to put your hopes down but I guess it is better to be informed than to have your hopes shattered. Ask yourself the following questions:

- Have I been sick recently?

- Under excessive stress?

- Lost or gained a significant amount of weight?

- Consumed new medications?

If you have experienced any of the above scenarios chances are that it/they might be the reason(s) for being 2 days late. As pregnancy can be detected reliably within two to three days following the first missed period, I recommend you arrange some sort of public transportation to the nearest pharmacy and invest in a HPT. If the result is negative, you may like to try once more with a HPT. Alternatively, you may wish to visit your local GP for a more accurate test which will measure the level of hCG in your serum, the result will take several days to arrive by which time your car would have hopefully been repaired!

Goodluck to you darling, I hope you hit the jackpot this time!

Y doesnt anyone answer? Please, all people w/ experience or any helpful info. 2 days late! w/ BFN 4 daysago?say yes opera theater

Take the bus to the store to buy a HPT.
It could be possible you are pregnant and when you tested the first time it was too early. The only thing you can really do is get some more test and test again or wait and see if your period comes. Good luck! Hope it works out for you.
I don't know most of the terms you are using love. You might be pregnant.
What do all those abbreviations mean? BFN, OPK, BD, BP, BFP, AF. All those unusual abbreviations made your question hard to understand.
are you kidding me ladies, i mean come on!!! you are on a ttc category here. don't tell me you don't understand these abbreviations!

BFN- big fat negative

OPK- ovulation predictor kit

BD- bed down or sex

CM- cervical mucous

BFP- big fat positive

AF- aunt flow

BB's- boobs

as for your question: i think it was either too early to test; get a different more sensitive brand and walk, take a bus or ask someone for a ride...OR you want this sooo bad that you are creating the symptoms.

My bet is that you will get the BFP on the next test!

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