Thursday, December 10, 2009

Best pet to get???? i go to school, my father works late, my mom will not take care of a pet?

hi. i go to school and would like a pet. school starts at 7:45 and i end at 2:30 usually getting home at about 3. my dad works late ( minus friday, saturday, sunday, other holidays ). my mother would like for the pet to be my responsibility so she will not be taking care of it much. i do not like rodents, fish, birds, or reptiles

( with the exception of turtles which however are pretty boring to own ). can you tell me what kind of pet will not require much attention and is easy to care for yet i can cuddle and play with.


Best pet to get???? i go to school, my father works late, my mom will not take care of a pet?oper

Considering your preferences, cat seems to be the best choice. Cat will take care of him/herself. He/she will goto bathroom only in the sand box. Just leave him/her plenty of water and food while you are out.

Best pet to get???? i go to school, my father works late, my mom will not take care of a pet?hollywood theater opera theater

A cat will practically take care of itself.

You can lave food out, It goes in a litter box etc..
well the easiest pet to take care of is a fish but you don't like fish.. well i would have to say a dog that isn't that old but isn't a puppy like 3 or 4 years old. i have to of these and all they do is sleep all day and once i get home they wake up and want to play. trust me all you need to do is play with them a little and feed them and give them water. And they are SO Cute!!
Don't get a cat or dog, then. They need some attention. It would be cruel to keep them alone most of the day. Fish are great bc they just swim around amongst themselves and don't need petting or affection like the furry pets. Plus, they're quiet and don't bark or meow. : ) Later on, when you find you have more time on your hands, you can get a cat or dog to spend time with.
A dog (not a puppy) is pretty calm and can take care of its self while you are at school or you can get a cat however if you do you should get two so that they can play with each other.
None. Do not get a pet if you do not have time for it. It's cruel to leave it home by itself for very long. Especially because you sound like you want a dog or cat. Dog's are pack animals and will suffer from conitnuous speration. And plus, puppies generally tear your house apart when you are gone for too long out of boredem and loneliness. I suggest to wait until you have more time.
seriously, it sounds like you know what you want and you're wanting someone to qualify what you've already decided. i would advise against getting a pet at this time.
Definitely a Cat They can be very independent, But will cuddle with you almost every time you want it to. Go to a Shelter and adopt one if you can not afford a Purebred!!

Just make sure you keep its litter box clean or your Mom will get quite upset with you.
A Persian cat. My cat is a saint.

Some weekends the cat stay along in the house happily. Put food in the bowl and clean the litter, that's all.

If you want a more easy animal get a gold fish.
Sorry, but with those schedules, a dog %26amp; cat are pretty much out. Especially if you plan on attending college or getting a job anytime in the next 10-15 years.

Yes, a cat may be good for you now, but what happens when you move out? Dorms will not accept a pet and pet friendly apartments aren't always easy to get into.

Also, vet bills for dogs %26amp; cats can run into the thousands of dollars a year. If you are just getting by eating Ramen and Taco Bell, what will happen if kitty picks this time to have an anal gland rupture? What if puppy decides to down all your Valentine's day chocolate? I'll tell you - the possibility of a $500-$1000 vet bill and at least 24 hours of your time committed to the recovery of your pet.

What if during college you decide that you want to study abroad? Or want to do work in your field in Africa or Russia or someplace else exotic? You can't exactly pack up and go for 6 weeks if you have a pet at home.

Dogs should not really be left home alone more than 4-5 hours regularly. If this is a possibility at ANY point during his life, which may be 10-15 years, then you should not get one. Crating for longer than this is neglectful and selfish, so a dog is pretty much out.

I recommend seeing if you can volunteer at a no-kill shelter. Be their dog walker and someone who plays with the animals. This way you can still get lots of cuddles but without the huge committment involved in having one of your own.

If your mind is already made up, then all this is in vain. It's still a firm "no" from me, based solely on your age. Be responsible and consider EVERYTHING, not just the next 4 years.

Good luck to you! : )
for you a dog is out-of-the question as even if im home all the time my whole family has to take care of her.

for you i would suggest a cat they are pritty independant but very loveable when you do give them attention.

a cat is not much family work for your mom she would have to vaccume cat hair thats all you would have to feed her comb her cuddle her play with her or him and clean the cat box

cats dont really need to be potty train a cat i would suggest a female then you dont have to worry about them spraying and i would have to say you would wanna spey them so they dont make a commotion when they go into heat.
Honestly, I don't think you are in a position to have a pet, if your parents won't support you. Either get a hermit crab or a rock... You've pretty much limited your options by vetoing any small animals, which is a shame. I think a bird would be the PERFECT pet for you. I've had birds all my life, and my favorites have been a green-cheeked conure (pretty quiet as far as parrots go, and darned loving and cute) and the pair of zebra finches I have right now. You could keep it in your room, there's no litterbox, and you could even snuggle and play with it (depends on the bird). They're also very entertaining...
Well it sounds like you want a kitten.
At this time you and your family don't need a pet. All pets need attention, time, care, love, basic essentials, and lastly to be cleaned up after.

My family runs a home with 54 pets and we all pitch in whether it's letting a cat in or out to cleaning up an accident, walking the dogs to feeding the snake, or going to the supply store for more grain, straw,and hay. We all help where we can, I never assigned any chores, we just see it needs to be done and do it. We have 21 hamsters and run an assembly line on cleaning cages, one take them out and dumps the litter outside around the plants, one washes the cages and hands off to the next that dries them, finally back to the first who puts it all back together and puts the hamster/s in after they get a few minutes of play time. We can do 15 cages in three days this way. We dump the mice and rabbit litters the same way. Cleaning the fish tanks out has a dual purpose here, we take some of the fish water and pour it on our plants, they thrive on the water.

We have rescued many of the pets we have so they can have a happy good home with lots of love. Some hamsters even came direct from pet stores that were snake food bound due to biting or injured. Our last dog was an abandoned puppy, 8 month Pomeranian/Papillon mix. We tracked down the person by their truck and had them sign him over to us. He left him at our home since he knew we'd take him in and find a good home for him. The persons landlord gave them hours to find homes for the pets, they did for the cat, and we found the dog. We're known for helping any animals. For 3 years we had bobcats living under our house, this year the foxes won out for the space.
I probably wouldnt get a pet if you cant give it affection and proper care all the time. It would be a dumb move to do that to a cat/dog etc.. Fish would be a good idea though, you dont need to look after it all day, but you cant cuddle with fish....

Spotting for over a week, cramping, HPT negative, 3-4 days late. My breast didn't change. Possi

I'm confused. I had intercourse around the time of ovulation. We're TTC for 6 months. I had some spotting before, but I never missed my period for that long. I had it come earlier, but not late. My breast was very normal, and painless (usually is very painful). Just now, I'm getting little heavier breast, and some pinches, but no blue vains. My last period was on Jan 15, and my cicles are 26-28 days. What sresses me is this spotting. I had some spotting at ovulation time, so this is something different. My HPT is negative. This is # 3, and I'm 37 years old. By now I should now everything, but I simply forgot, it's over 9 years since I had my second child. I apriciate your help.

Spotting for over a week, cramping, HPT negative, 3-4 days late. My breast didn't change. Possible pregnancy?theater

just give it a few days and test again, i spotted for a month when i got pregnant which i thought may be my period coming, so i tested when my normal heavy period was 10 days late before i got a positive hpt. now i'm 11 weeks pregnant. good luck!

Can I still get a flu shot, or is it too late?

I keep hearing on the news about the flu being horrible this year compared to other years. I'm wondering..Am I too late to go and get a flu shot? Should I even bother? I know they've said that even with the flu shot, many are still getting it. I ask because I tend to catch things very very easily.

Thanks for any help!

Can I still get a flu shot, or is it too late?theatre

i suggest calling your dr and asking him/her.

Although you should be able to.

Around here - you have to have special medical conditions to even get considered for the flu shot.

Like - pregnant, a kid, elderly - so on and so forth.

Can I still get a flu shot, or is it too late?opera music opera theater

You can still get the flu shot and it would be a good idea to.
You are not too late. You can still get a flu shot and places have plenty of vaccines. Call the health department or your doctor's office to find out where they are giving them. They are encouraging people to get their flu shot, even now. I got mine back in November and did not get the flu.

What do i do about neighbors that are too loud, too late at night?

the people that live diagnal to me have been up late (9:30- 3 am) playing their music at a VERY LOUD level, which to my dislikeing keeps me up which is a very bad thing b/c i have to get up at 5 to get ready for work. all this means that i only get lest say about 2 hours worth of restful sleep. i have no idea as to how to go about getting them to keep it down at night.

What do i do about neighbors that are too loud, too late at night?pacific theater

Call the police and let them handle it. I would say go over and talk to them one day but people are so rude these days you probably will end up calling the police anyway. Another alternative is get the other people in the neighbor hood on board and start a petition.

What do i do about neighbors that are too loud, too late at night?phantom of the opera opera theater

call the police

Just because it may not be the nicest thing to do doesn't mean it isn't the appropriate thing to do. Obviously your neighbors aren't the nicest neighbors so I don't think they worry too much about it. I feel bad for you, I get pretty mad when people keep me up at night, I'll call the cops no problem. got to respect people that have to get up in the morning. Want to have a good time, go to the bar.
Well if you have asked them to stop, and they wont, then you could call the police and have an officer come and tell them for you. You don't even have to tell them who you are, leave it completely anonymous.
Call the police. Most places have noise ordinances, stating that music or other noises cannot bother people inside city limits or they'll be fined. The police will go by and tell them to keep it down, and no one will tell them your name. If it happens again, call the police again, and the people will most likely get a citation.

Edit: I would not suggest going over and telling them to turn it down yourself. Because if they don't, and then you have to call the police anyway, they'll know exactly who told the police and then you could start a fight in your neighborhood.
After 10pm in most states (if not all), you can call the police.

They will come by and tell them to turn it down or off.
I agree with the first answerer - call the police and ask them what your rights are.
Have you tried to politely tell them about your situation during the day time or evenings? That may help. If you have tried a few times, you can definitely call the non-emergency line of your local police to come as they do issue warnings. Also, try to avoid living around college towns.
tell them to shup the f*** up!!!! (but only after 11..... It's the law....) also call the police......
I would call the police
Your city/town might have a noise ordinance. Have you tried calling the police? Other neighbors are probably just as annoyed as you. They don't have to know who called.
call the cops. they will tell them to tone it down!
Go over and ask nicely if they would please keep it down because you have to get up early in the morning, then if they don't, call your local law enforcement.
Most communities, townships and boroughs have noise ordinances during a set-time. By contacting your local town clerk (or you can call the police directly), they can tell you what that time frame is. Most communities will issue warnings from "anonomous" calls, but if you want them cited, you may have to identify yourself, in which your neighbor may find out that's it's you making the complaint.

If you live in a community that has a homeowners association (HOA), you may want to contact your homeowners board. Almost ALL HOA's have a noise restriction. Hope this helps!
Everyone is saying to call the police. It is the correct thing to do. Look into the noise ordinance. If you have tried to be nice, then being nice no longer works.
Call the police. We have the same problem with our neighbors also. The cops go there and they behave for the next few months then they back doing the same things. So we or our other neighbors calls the cops again. So just keep calling and complain. Hopefully this will stop them!
Have you gone over there and talked to them yet. Ask them if they wouldn't mind keeping the music down after say 10 pm. Tell them that you can hear it in your house and it's making things difficult for you to sleep. If they don't stop then call the police and have the noise law acted. Or you can just call the police the next time they start and let them take care of it without the neighbors knowing who called on them.
as many other people hav said, call the police. many places have noise ordinances, however, not all do. i've lived in places with no noise ordinances on the books, and the police pointed out that they cannot enforce a law which is not on the books. if you have the misfortune to live in such a place, after you've called the police, let your landlord know about this situation. most leases have a clause which guarantees your ability to peacefully enjoy your tenancy. if they are hampering this, they can be open to eviction. it's a long drawn out affair, and needs both a cooperative landlord, and documentation. you could consider moving.
you could leave an anonomous note under the door. If they don't get the hint, call the police and you can tell the police that you don't want them to know it was you who called. After they get fined a couple of times, they will quiet down.
I would say FIRST, no matter how angry you are at them, calmly knock on their door and ask them (polite as possible) to please not continue with loud music after 10pm......

If that doesn't work, THEN contact the property Manager through the Leasing Office in your Apt community, explaining that you have contacted that tenant (give the apt #) on one occasion first, but that they still seem to have no respect for other tenants, and that you would like something done as soon as possible or that next time you will then contact the Authorities (police). Its best to put everything in writing (i.e. what noise/from what apt/at what time/date/any names/ etc) so that you have a track record of these noisy residents for the future (for the Police), if it should happen again and/or escalate into any truly disturbing behavior....That should work*
* Like others have said call the cops !

* If you have a cell phone AND a land line call from BOTH !

* Any other cell phones in the home call from those too!

call police. the thing is that if you go ask them, they will not like you and it will be awkward when you see them. Plus if they are drinking they can get violent. I think in our area the noise ordinance says after 11 pm so you may want to check with your local police to see what the rules are. I know in NewYork City there are signs saying no noise or 350 dollar fine. I know what you are going through. Do you have some good ear plugs and sometimes I turn on a fan just for the muffling sound it makes but in your case it may not be enough.
if you know these people maybe you should bring it to their attention that the late night noise is interferring with your work. They might be reasonable people. you have 2 ways to deal with it: a) confront them about it or B) call the cops and report the noise level and the cops will come and give them a ticket. you will remain annonymous with the cops.
Well, there are two things that you can do. It depends on the relationship and the liking that you have of your neighbors. You could: 1. Tell them about the situation and ask them to keep it down ( I personally only suggest this if you are friends with your neighbor) 2. Call the cops and ask about curfew and noise complaints. Every town has a time limit on noise from music, and often vehicles. If your neighbors are having youth at their parties, I'd ask the police if there is a curfew for your area.
First step, ask nicely.

If you have a home-owner's thing going on, then you can take the complaint there, next.

If that doesn't work... contact the police and file a noise complaint. Repeatedly, if necessary.

My husband and I are TTC, and I'm 2 weeks late....?

Yet I still have not gotten my period. My friends have noticed my hips are wider, and now I seem to always be hungry and my breasts are getting more firm and are tender now too.

I've taken 2 pregnancy tests and both of those are negative. Could it just be that one of my friends is pregnant and my horemones are changing with hers? I am over at her house nearly every day.

I'm thinking on going to the doctors, but I don't know....I've never been 2 weeks (nearly 3) late.

Any comments? Ideas? Suggetions?

My husband and I are TTC, and I'm 2 weeks late....?the grand theater

go to the doctor and have a blood test done

My husband and I are TTC, and I'm 2 weeks late....?soap opera opera theater

i think you should do another hpt and then go to the dr for a blood test that way you know for sure!good luck!
Your Prob pregnant those are the signs of pregnancy. Go to the doctor they can tell you for sure.
You sound pregnant to me.
get a blood test.

What are the best verizon phones that will be available by late july?

I am getting a new phone for graduation, and would prefer one with a keyboard. It has to be verizon, could you make any suggestions? I can't get the phone until late july so if it's a phone thats not out yet you can add that also.

What are the best verizon phones that will be available by late july?chinese theater

THE NEW SAMSUNG ........flip top!!!!

What are the best verizon phones that will be available by late july?opera mini opera theater

iphone! wow

My period was light last month and I'm 8 days late this month, could I be pregnant?

I had a history of irregular periods throughout the last year. I would go 2-3 months without a period and then I would get one and go another 2-3 months without. In January of this year I got a period, after not getting one since November of the previous year, and I've been getting a period every month like clockwork ever since. I had a "light period" last month (only lasted 3 days) kind of brownish in color. My periods usually last 5-6 days. Now, I am 8 days late this month. I have the usual symptoms (breast tenderness,bloating, emotional/sensitive) but this time it feels like it's lasting forever and I also feel nausea and frequent urination. I haven't taken a pregnancy test because I think that my period will just come eventually. I will really like to be pregnant. (Husband and I have been trying for a year and a half) Worried about being disappointed.

My period was light last month and I'm 8 days late this month, could I be pregnant?star theater

YAY! Hope you are! Go to the store and get yourself the test. I know how it feels to look and be bummed out but its better then wondering. Plus you might be irregular for a reason that needs to be addressed by a doc. So not good to drag your feet. But what are you waiting for girly go buy a cheapo test and see for yourself. And if you aren't no worries. I believe there is a time and place for everything, even a baby in your tummy ;) If its ment to happen it will. I wasn't supposed to be able to have kids and I have the most beautiful little girl now.

Plus gives you more incentive to get busy and that is always nice.

Have my fingers crossed for you!

My period was light last month and I'm 8 days late this month, could I be pregnant?extension opera theater

Try home pregnancy test to be sure
no that dosnt mean that your pregnant i would go to the doctor about that because thats what i did and he gave me some pills to take care of it
A girl I kno was around ten days late, and she wasn't pregnant
Brownish color suggests old blood...could be implantation bleeding.

I would schedule with the Doc ASAP and let him know whats going on.

I always have a metallic taste in my mouth when I am preg and I am very sensitive to smell and nauseous.

Congrats if you are, sending good thoughts your way

If you had a good gynocologist you would feel alot more confident cause they really can help you understand your situation. Ask a woman professional who she sees, and beg the place to get you in, once established its the best thing you'll have done for your self. Establish your self, women with irregular periods face alot of stuff and have the battle is knowing a good doc! Believe me older women know this and all of them can whip off their gyno doc name in a flash!

What is the weather normally like in San Antonio, TX in late October?

I will be traveling there the last week of October, with my grandson, to see my daughter graduate from her Combat Medic Training at Fort Sam Houston and I have no clue how to pack. In Baltimore it is still comfortably warm during the mid to late afternoon but mornings and evenings are getting quite cool.

What is the weather normally like in San Antonio, TX in late October?opera songs

In San Antonio, October is one of our most lovely times of the year. As this year has been excessively wet, with frequent to almost daily rain, that part would be hard to predict. Normally, however, the late october days see highs in the 70s to low 80s and lows in the mid 50s. We usually get by with our casual clothes and a light to midweight jacket or coat. can give you a better idea closer to the time of travel, but on average we are about 10 degrees on average warmer than downtown Baltimore at that time of year.

By the way I love Baltimore, just visted there this summer and had a great time, and have been many times in the past, I also go to Ocean City about one week every year or 2.

By the way, I used to be assigned as instructor at the Academy of Health Sciences the medical training site at Fort Sam Houston. Congratulations on your daughter's graduation.

What is the weather normally like in San Antonio, TX in late October?secure browser opera theater

San Antonio will be balmy. Take a sweater or light jacket for the late evenings
This is according to the farmer's almanac which this year has been pretty accurate.

Oct. 24th-27th Fair skies rapidly change to unsettled conditions. Light rains for Texas east 28th-31st Tranquil, then increasing cloudiness, with very unsettled conditions spreading in from New Mexico.

So, dress lightly and pack a sweater and an umbrella, but just in case, watch the weather channel and be ready for a change. We usually get our first Northern (Texas term for cold front) right around the mid to end of the month. For us, that means a drop in temperature to about 70 degrees during the day and 50's at night. Brrrr. lol.
Deer season will start a few days after this so I can tell you from many years of hunting. It is usual that the days time is 70s-80s and night time 50s-60s, however this is a very unusual year and I wouldn't be surprised to see the day time in the 60s and night time down into the mid to upper 40s. I will give you the advice to carry a light jacket/sweater and one of those small fold up umbrellas with you. Don't think just because it is 75 degrees outside that it is going to stay that temp. I have seen it drop 40 degrees in 40 minutes here
I agree, this year has been very unusual, with relatively cool temperatures this summer and lots of rain. However, late October can range anywhere from hot and humid to cold, wet and windy. In 2004, I was overdue with my oldest son, and it was HOT, humid and miserable outside, while 2005's Halloween was relatively cool, requiring a light jacket. My recommendation would be to pack what you would normally wear in Baltimore at that time. Layering clothing is always the best option.
It's a lot warmer than Baltimore. I've lived in Buffalo for 3 years and am now living in San Antonio. My coats are collecting dust. Pack short sleeved shirts and MAYBE a light weight long sleeved shirt. Nothing heavy.
I live in Austin, about 80 miles to the north of S.A. The one thing that you can count on is that whatever the weather is today, tomorrow it PROBABLY will be different. Otherwise, October it starts to get chilly at night 60's. I wear shorts all the way into December. Shorts, pants, long sleeve shirts and a light jacket or sweater for the evening.

Need the name of movie played on The Movie Channel in late 70's / early 80's...?

I actually asked this question a few weeks back and a the two answers I received were "Happy Birthday to Me", so I got it from Netflix, but unfortunatley that wasn't it, so I guess this has now turned into a quest. ;-)

I'm looking for the name of a movie played frequently on The Movie Channel in either the late 70's or early 80's that someone may also remember. In was around the time they were playing "Little Darlings", "Student Bodies", "Friday the 13th", etc.

The jist of the movie was a group of friends in high school were getting killed one-by-one via wierd happenings and you didn't see the killer. For sure I remember two of the deaths....(1) a hang gliders frame snapping and the guy getting electrocuded in some power lines and (2) a guy on the diving team went to practice at night and when he jumped off the board the lights were turned on and showed that all the pool's water had been drained out.....unfortunately, that's about all that I can remember. Thank you!!

Need the name of movie played on The Movie Channel in late 70's / early 80's...?opera cd

Try this movie

"Massacre at Central High"

I hope this helps

Need the name of movie played on The Movie Channel in late 70's / early 80's...?opera singer opera theater


Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

The Shining (1980)

The Thing (1982)

An American Werewolf in London (1981)

Tetsuo (1989)

Hellraiser (1987)

The Evil Dead (1982)

Poltergeist (1982)

Videodrome (1983)

Reanimator (1985)

There are more all you need to do is type in your search box 1970s horror movies

1980s horror movies

I hope this helps.
I don't know what it is but I know for a fact its not Breakfast Club
I remember some movie with that pool bit you described. Are you sure it was from that time frame, cause i wasn't old enought to watch those movies back then. of course the one i saw could've ripped it off. sorry no title. my "rememberer" sucks.
This is a great movie!! Yes, it's Massacre at Central High.. but it was also called Blackboard Massacre. It's not a horror movie though really.. It's a revenge film kind of about a guy named David in high school who is alienated by the bullies who really run the school there... they have some run ins with each other.. and then one day, David.. who is a runner, is home fixing his car from underneath. and the bullies make his car fall on him and it breaks his leg, making him unable to run again. but when he gets back from the hospital.. he doesn't tell on them.. so he kills them. It's an awsome movie... I doubt netflix would have it though.

A coworker is threatening me to report to credit bureau for late payment by just 4 days! could she d

i bought a set of jewelry from her made payable monthly for one year i gave her 12 post dated checks but after the 6th month i closed my bank account so i told her and now i'm paying her by money order my 7th m.o was delayed by almost a week and now she's threatening me that my next payment should be on time with the dates i put on the post dated check on the account i've closed or else if its late by just 4 days she's gonna report me to the credit bureau. does her threat hold water? She keeps on harrassing me calling me constantly and i'm really getting stressed out!

A coworker is threatening me to report to credit bureau for late payment by just 4 days! could she do that?chicago theater

If she is just an individual then no, the credit reporting agencies make it very difficult to add items. Unless they are a legitimate business who pays for their service they will not add items to the report.

Now, if you do not pay your coworker can file a suit against you. By giving her the post dated checks you basically made an agreement to pay on those dates. If you don't and she took you to court she probably would be able to prevail. This could then show up as a public record(judgement) on your credit report.

A coworker is threatening me to report to credit bureau for late payment by just 4 days! could she do that?met opera opera theater

No, her threat does not hold water. Credit bureaus are not interested in late payments of less than thirty days late. furthermore, if this ditz DOES report you and they take her seriously, you can ask the credit bureau to verify the debt.

I'm guessing that there is no written paperwork on this deal. How will the ditz verify the debt to the credit bureau with no paperwork? They're not going to take her word for it on a verbal agreement.
she cant report you to the credit bureau. i dont know what would happen if she tried to do something with all those checks you gave her already though. It seems weird to me that you gave her soo many post dated checks.
It's possible, if her company is set up with the credit bureaus and you signed a contract, then you are in default not only for being late but for closing your bank account also.

Did you sigh a contract? Doe's it explain the terms and conditions if you are late?

Not really enough information, but you could have a problem.
Sure she can, but if payment is only 4 days late the credit bureau isn't going to care very much. 30 days late and they will put it on your credit report, and as far as black marks go an individual seller isn't that big of a deal. Credit card issuers, mortgage holders, and leaseholders are. Someone who sells jewelry on the side isn't.
Even if she could report you (which an individual can't usually) she couldn't report you until you were at least 30 days behind. I would pay her, only because you have to work together and maintain a good relationship.

FYI, never do business with friends, family, or co-workers.

Keep all your phone records (either a log or on your phone bill) so that if this thing goes to court later, you could always prove that she has harassed you.

I'm pretty sure if she is able to report you it would cost her probably the same cost as a payment would to register with a credit bureau. Even if she was (which I seriously doubt she is) and she waited until you were 30 days late (which you will probably pay her before then) you could always dispute anything on your credit report and then she would have to prove documentation that the missed payments occurred within 30 days or it would be removed. Again, I doubt she could do that.

Wait a minute, did you fill out a credit application before accepting the terms of this agreement? If not, she can't report it no matter how much you owe.
she could report to a collection agency who then could report to the credit bureau.
u can't do that.. all she can do is try to take u to small claims court
Nope, the credit bureaus don't care about 4 days late anyway..

Why don't you just pay her on time/

By the way, a post dated check can get you in trouble. A check is a sight instrument; therefore, the bank could honor the check, or return it due to the date. Either way, you out some money - the amount of the check or the returned check fee.
She is blowing smoke! Only a business set up to take credit cards can do that. But this is a friend?? I would find a new friend. But you really should honor your agreement if at all possible.
Ask her if she has a permit to due business? If not they she can't report you to a collection agency. for her on-going illegal business.

Did you sign a contract? If not then tell her to go to hell and that you will pay her. Just make sure that you do. I am sure she knows that with any business you are going to get some late payments. that is all this is. A late payment.

This might make you work place a little uncomfortable, but you have to do what you have to do to put dinner on the table.

Do widows of General motors employees who remarry still receive the late employee's pension?

My mom is planning on getting married and is receiving a pension from her late husband who was a retired general motors employee. I'm trying to advise her it might not be the best idea. also could you supply a 800 number or web site that I could show her. Thank you very much

Do widows of General motors employees who remarry still receive the late employee's pension?theater seating

Each pension plan is a little different; there will be differences even between the various GM plans. I'd try contacting the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation for starters. They're the government subsidiary that insures pension plans (kind of like how the FDIC insures your bank account). They might not have all the info you need--- they're really only the "experts" on plans that have gone into trusteeship (the plan has ended and is in a payout-only phase, or the company has "dumped" the plan in a bankruptcy) but they can point you to the right resources on pension law in general and probably even provide a contact within GM for your mom to talk to.

Anyone else 15dpo and still getting bfn's? What's the latest anyone's gotten her firs

I'm a day late and I definitely feel like this is my month, but I'm still getting bfn' much longer do I have to wait! I know I can go to the dr and get a blood test, but I'd rather hold off for a little while longer and hopefully find out with hpt.

Anyone else 15dpo and still getting bfn's? What's the latest anyone's gotten her first bfp?theatre tickets

Yes, my good friend didn't get a BFP for 10 days ... she had being trying for 2 years, so it's not like she wasn't testing, but simply that the hCG didn't show up in her urine for that amount of time. I'd do a blood test when you're a week late, in case it NEVER shows up in urine (which can happen). Good luck!

Anyone else 15dpo and still getting bfn's? What's the latest anyone's gotten her first bfp?opera house opera theater

no im 11dpo and still bfn just waiting on af :(
i think i am having implantation bleeding but i have gotten a bfn today and hoping for a bfp soon! tons of baby dust 2 u....
you should have one by now try first response early result maybe you miscalculated the day you ovulated not every month is the same good luck and baby dust to u!

How can I find out if I'm pregnant when I have symptoms and I'm late but HTP's come o

I'm a couple days late for my period and I've been on a steady 21 days cycle for 3 months now. I have a few symptoms of pregnancy like lower abdominal cramping that has been occurring for a few weeks now, my hips hurt like they are being pushed apart from each other, and the color around my nipples is getting darker. My boyfriend and I had unprotected sex during the days I was most fertile and ovulating, but I've taken 5 pregnancy tests and they have all come out negative. What does this mean? Why am I late, experiencing symptoms and not getting a positive result. The suspense is killing me. I know that the test says your HCG levels need to be high enough to register, but how long could that take? Is my best bet to go to the doctor at the end of the week if I still haven't gotten my period and have them do a blood test?

How can I find out if I'm pregnant when I have symptoms and I'm late but HTP's come out negative 5 times?!?hollywood theater

The symptoms you described are pregnancy symptoms, but they're also the symptoms of a woman late for her period and freaking out wondering why. Believe me, I know. ;)

You're only a couple of days late, but I'd see your doctor if you're confident that you're really late. He or she can give you a blood test to determine if you are pregnant or not by measuring the quantity of pregnancy hormone in your blood. This is called a quantitative hCG test. It will tell you for sure if you are pregnant or not and you can have it done right now if you want because you are already late for your period and your levels only have to be greater than 2 to show pregnancy (whereas with a urine test, they have to be 25 or more). If you aren't pregnant, you should ask your doctor to help you figure out what's keeping your period away.

The bigger question, though, is whether or not you're trying to get pregnant. If you are, you're likely to have trouble. A 21-day cycle is not really long enough, usually, for your body to properly ready itself for a pregnancy and then give a fertilized egg long enough to implant. I'd suggest charting your temperature to make sure you're ovulating. I also suspect that if you are ovulating, you have a short luteal phase, where the fertilized egg doesn't have enough time to implant before you start your period, which can be corrected with medication. You should really see your doctor if you are trying to get pregnant.

If you are not trying to get pregnant, stop having unprotected sex! There are about a zillion birth control methods, and if you don't want a baby, you should use one. I'm not trying to be harsh, but there's no reason to be having unprotected sex when you don't want a baby. If you think birth control is expensive, try raising a child. You can probably get birth control free or at relatively low cost at your local health department or Planned Parenthood.

Good luck, and I hope you get the outcome you want!

How can I find out if I'm pregnant when I have symptoms and I'm late but HTP's come out negative 5 times?!? opera theater

It sounds unlikely that you're pregnant but there might be something else up - some hormonal changes you're experiencing can be linked to taking a new pill, or it could be that you have some sort of infection. In either case, you're best off going to the doctors as they can tell you for certain one way or the other.
See your doctor.
I would go to the doctor and have them do the blood test. Urine tests aren't reliable in all cases.
i guess the most important thing late are you?...sometimes if you are not late enough the test may not result positive. However, these hpt are very accurate and it is unlikely that they would say your not when you are....however, the most conclusive test is a blood test...that is what i would recommend.
Dear, I had this confusion . I assumed that I was preggo, but 3 HPNs took me to the doctor. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. So better get urself checked to avoid any problems..
No one is on a completely normal cycle. I did research on webmd and discovered that abnormal cycles are the norm.

The first period usually starts about the middle of puberty, at about eleven or twelve years of age. The first few periods are sporadic, and it's not uncommon for periods to be irregular for a couple years. A woman continues having her period until she's about forty-eight or forty-nine years of age, at which point the period starts to get sporadic again, tapering off as menopause sets in. Few cycles are absolutely twenty-eight days. Where does that number come from? Twenty-eight is only an average representing the cycle length of thousands of women added together and divided by the number of women. It is therefore a statistical average, not a figure that refers to the typical number of days in a woman's cycle. Menstrual cycles range anywhere from twenty to forty days, and the bleeding lasts anywhere from two to eight days, with four to six days being the average.

It's a good sign that you took 5 HPT and they all came negative. I think that I used the EPT and I think you can take that upto 4 days BEFORE your expected to recieve your period. Of course take a blood test at the drs which even then isn't 100% accurate.
Okay, taking 5 HPTs in a "couple days" will not do you any good. The levels of HCG don't increase that fast. Give it a couple of days between retesting, and follow the directions on the package exactly.

There are lots of things that could cause your period to be a few days late. One of them could be that you ARE pregnant, but since you have a short cycle, your HCG levels aren't yet very high... the "You can take this test as early as the first day of your missed period" thing on the package assumes that you have a 28-day cycle. But there are dozens of other things that could cause a few-day blip in your cycle, especially if you've only been steady for three months.

So what to do in the meantime? If you're planning on staying pregnant, take care of your health and lay off any booze, cigs, or drugs until your period starts or you get a diagnosis. If, in a couple weeks, you still haven't gotten your period or a positive pregnancy test, yes, call up your doctor. Make sure that they know your situation before you go in... many doctors just do the exact same pregnancy test that you can take at home, which would be pointless in your case.

Can someone give me a list of sports that an athlete could start proffessionally at a late age?

I want to take my chances as a pro athlete in a sport, but i'm in my mid-teens, i think its getting late for me to get into some of them, so can someone who really knows give me a list of professional sports that an athlete can start professionally at a somewhat late age(16-25)

Can someone give me a list of sports that an athlete could start proffessionally at a late age?

Can someone give me a list of sports that an athlete could start proffessionally at a late age?opera mobile opera theater

lawn bowls :P

Golf, bowling, curling, cross country skiing, line dancing (almost a sport), hiking, sailing
Cycling. Most professional cyclers are quite a bit older than you. Although you'll probably never make much of a living at this. Have you considered a different route like say going to college?
Golf, tennis, bowling, chess, poker, ATV raceing, showing dogs, danceing, flag football and swimming. Thats all I can think of.
golf, Bowling, horse shoes, tournament fishing


ping pong




The list is any and all. the question for you is this: What is your passion, what do you want to do?

There are tangibles and intangibles. The tangibles are your size: height, weight, muscle mass, speed, quickness, strength, pain threshold and tolerance, etc.

Some sports require specific size, i.e. car racing, you must have excellent reflexes, be fearless, like to go fast, but you have to be less that 5'7" to fit in the seat.

Of the five major sports only baseball and soccer give any chance to a smaller athlete. Hockey does to a degree, but can you skate. X-game sports are open to anyone, do you like thrills?

bottom line. find your passion. do it and continue to do it until you excel at it.

When you lose your viginity, does that cause yours periods to come late?

my boyfriend and i tried to have sex the week before i lost my virginity, so when i finally did lose it to him, i was already having thoughts about my period. now, im a few days late and i seem to be getting no signs of my period coming on. so im also stressed because i think i could be pregnant. do you think its stress or something more?

When you lose your viginity, does that cause yours periods to come late?opera music

stress can cause a late period

but since you said youve had sex and used a condom, the condom could have broken without you realizing it and even if he did not "finish the job" there is a possibility that you may be pregnant. yes you can get pregnant from pre ejaculate

When you lose your viginity, does that cause yours periods to come late?opera sheet music opera theater

it is probably just stress wait a week or two and take a test but is is probably just your mind
take a pregnancy test. does not cause periods to come late.
Sometimes periods just don't show up on time, but yes, it's very possible that you're pregnant. Go buy a test and find out now.
It could be either, the only way to find out is to get a pregnancy test.
Depends, if you didn't wear a condom them you should get a prego test. If you did, then your fine. (Unless it ripped.) It's normal for teens to miss their periods once in awhile, if you go on birthcontrol it will regulate your period. And help you from becoming preggers.

Hope this helped.
don't stress to much

take a test .. if you aare. lesson learned .. well BIGGG lesson learned.

?okay look.....

?your prolly young if im guessin...(teen 12-16)

?and till your round 18 there is no set date for your period

?so chill and no it doesn't affect mother nature

?have fun be safe?
ususually when u r late, if u masturbate really hard, it comes!!
it sounds to me life ur a teen, and ur period isn't always gonna come on time. But seeing as though you said you had sex, there's a very high possibility that you are pregnant. If your period doesn't come in a week, then it's a good idea to go buy a pregnancy test and find out.

Just a tidbit of advice. It's clear you've made the mistake of already giving into peer pressure and you had sex with ur BF. But let his be a lesson learned, you shouldn't be having sex before your married because of the possibility that you could get pregnant. And if you are it's ruined your whole life, because now you have extra responsibilities and it's hard to try and get through school. So if you are pregnant, I feel deeply sorry for you. If your not pregnant, let this just be a sign of what could happen the next time you have sex again.
You see? This is why things like birth control and the condom were invented.

And yet people still fail to use them.

You had sex, so you may be pregnant.

Simple as that.

Go out and get a pregnancy test, because we can't tell you if you're pregnant or not. We're not magical, and can't see into the future.

Next time, use a rubber.
i think you're just stressed out...try to relax and stop thinking about your period for awhile...and wait a week or two. I really hope used birth control....well good luck
It doesn't matter if you used a condom, they are only about 85% effective when used properly!

It could be stress, but take a test and you won't worry so much. answer the main doesn't unless u r pregnant.

Can having sex for the first time cause your period to come late?

ive heard that having sex for the 1st time will make your period come late. is that true? i ave heard that from a few people and have recently lost my virginity and still waiting for my period. the thing is is that i am irregular n e ways and so i dont know when i should b getting my next period. my last cycle lasted 39 days and the 1 b4 that was 67 days. today is my 42 day of this cycle and starting 2 get a little worried

Can having sex for the first time cause your period to come late?phantom of the opera

I am 21 and when I lost my virginity at 16 my period didn't come for about 4 months after that. I also am very irregular, but it had never been that long since I had started my period. Also, a gynecologist can do a blood test to see if hormones are the reason you are irregular. That was my problem and this year I was on my period for 10 months straight, until he put me on hormone medicine. Now I am regular. Hope this helps.

Can having sex for the first time cause your period to come late?listen to opera opera theater

Yeh. About nine months late.
only if u get pregnant.
you are pregnant!
If it was unprotected sex then you may have something to worry about. If it was protected then it may just be normal.
Sometimes sex might offset your natural cycle(especially in irregularity) not due to pregnancy. Wait another two weeks, and then take a test if your period does not resume.
the more worry you are , the more late it's gonna get... it's hormone thing... and your body will react in different circumstances.. , and if u had unprotected sex... it's a cause of concern... then u must get a test kit to find out if u got pregnant
i think u should see a doctor about the irregularity of your period. and you should know that there is no form of protection that provides 100% guarantee against pregnancy or even aids, so you should probably get a pregnancy test done also, just to be safe

My roommate is having a surprise B-day party thrown for him late tonight, but I have an exam tommorr

I am in college. It is one of my roommates birthdays today and another roommate is throwing a surprise birthday party for him late tonight. I'd love to go, but I have an organic chemistry exam tomorrow (I'm basically done studying, I'm just worrying about getting enough sleep now). This exam will be the first grade in the class and is worth about 15% of the final grade (I am NOT trying to get into medical school if anyone cares). What should I do?

My roommate is having a surprise B-day party thrown for him late tonight, but I have an exam tommorrow?soap opera

Even though you don't "need" the credit, you don't want to fail the exam. If you want you can pop in quick...but you can never pop in "quick" that always leads to hours. If your roomates ask where you were just tell them you had an exam. People will understand. I'm in college and i don't do the "normal" college things.

My roommate is having a surprise B-day party thrown for him late tonight, but I have an exam tommorrow?city opera opera theater

get drunk. If you don't know it by now, you don't know it. good luck sucka.
maybe ask someone that you know real well that is comming to the party if you can go crash at there place
My first question is did they sk you if it was okay to have a party and secondly parties come and go what's more important to you going to a party or getting a passing grade for you class. If you have your priorities straight then you know what your answer is. Go stay at someone eles house if you need to and if they don't understand then they are tru;y not your friends.

My boyfriend and I had sex without using condom and he did not ejaculate and I am 8 days late? Am I

He said he did not ejaculate and I believe him...believe me I would have know if he had.

Now I am 8 days late and I am never late.

I also had issues getting pregnant with my daughter and only have one tube. So I really don't think I could be pregnant.

What else could cause me to be late a very tired?

My boyfriend and I had sex without using condom and he did not ejaculate and I am 8 days late? Am I Pregnant?opera mini

you could be pregnant cause even precum contains sperm

if you have lost weight recently you could be late

or if you are stressed out then that could make you late

My boyfriend and I had sex without using condom and he did not ejaculate and I am 8 days late? Am I Pregnant?passions soap opera opera theater

Well sometimes if someone doesn't ejaculate the penis can still release a little sperm without even knowing.
Are you stressing? Lots of stress can delay a period... I know! I used to stress about being pregnant all the time and it made mine REALLY late. You have no idea how much money I've wasted on tests lol. Stress also makes me VERY tired. On the flip side, being tired can make you irregular too. When my sleep gets messed up, my whole body gets thrown out-of-whack.

You could just be having an irregular cycle; it happens. But don't rule out pregnancy! If you're concerned, I'd just get a test to make sure. If it doesn't come soon and the tests come out negative, see your doctor.
Hmm, idk,...I think its sad to see people having sex like this.. not keeping pure...
you could be pregnant because stuff can come out of the penis before ejaculation that can get you pregnant. take a test
How can you be 42 years old and think you don't have a chance of getting pregnant without a condom????
you are never late and now you are.

you didnt use a condom.

precum can contain sperm.

you have one functioning fallopian tube and hence eggs....

doesn't it seem like the recipe for a prenancy?

Whats the title/artist of the song in Roswell Season 2 "It's too late, and it's too b

The original song was I will love you by Fisher, but on the DVD set, it has been changed to "everywhere this love goes I will follow. . .I will follow" I can't find the title/artist of this song anywhere searching using these lyrics. Its on Roswell Season 2, in the episode "It's too late, and it's too bad" when Liz is getting ready to get on the plane to Sweden. I'm trying to find the song so I can download it.

Whats the title/artist of the song in Roswell Season 2 "It's too late, and it's too bad" at the end?extension

Sherri Youngward – “Where This Love Goes”

How does someone get through to my 17 year old nephew, before its too late?

I am very concerned about my 17 year old nephew. His father (my brother-in-law) is a big kid himself and my nephew is taking right after him. He is taking stupid risks with vehicles, and has been caught a few times drunk. I realize I also did some stupid things as a teen, as most do. I dont want to see him get hurt, hurt someone else or get in trouble with the law.

He comes from an UNBROKEN family, and like I said my brother-in-law is nothing but a big child himself, he lives to IMPRESS others, and that is no joke. My sister has been brain-washed by him also, its like shes not the person she used to be, so talking to my sister has done no good. Their family of 5 is all about $$$$ (even though they live way above their means) and what you can brag to others about. What can be done to at least wake the kids up, before something happens and its too late. I dont want them living like this and worry about them getting hurt by acting stupidly to impress others! Thanks

How does someone get through to my 17 year old nephew, before its too late?secure browser

maybe you should invite them to stay with you for a weekend to "spend quality time together" or give your brother and his wife some "time alone" during this time you could try to get him to open up to you about things he's done, open up to him about things you did. make him know you aren't going to get him into trouble. explain how the things he does, (and that you both did) are so dangerous and stupid. and also make sure its a fun time. talk about alternatives to things he is doing that are fun (like sports, or clubs, or working, or something he would enjoy)

How does someone get through to my 17 year old nephew, before its too late?home theater opera theater

sounds like a typical seventeen year old....the problem with that is sometimes it is fatal....pray for him and discuss your concerns with him in a loving way
Turn him into the police when you catch him drunk.

Better than burying him.

The cops will educate him.
The worst feeling in the world is knowing that your family is dissapointed in you. If he knows this, it would break his heart.
Stay out of how they live their isn't your business - just because you live your life more conservitavely does not make their lifestyle wrong. They can raise their kids how they can't influence them.
Honestly, if your nephew's parents are like that, at this late date there is NOTHING you can do. The damage has already been done.
Unfortunately some people have to learn the hard way. That's what this life is all about. If you can find it in your heart to just love this kid and be the favorite aunt that will always listen and not be judge mental then and only then you will be able to influence him and he may even listen to you. The only way to get experience that builds character and truly make him a better man is by making mistakes and learning from them. sorry, there really is no other way. lets just pray he dosent kill or hurt himself or others in the process. good luck, Swequin
There is little you can do at this point. Your "window of opportunity" for influencing your nephew's development passed years ago and will not recur unless he asks you for help. Until that time, anything you do is likely to be seen as unwelcome interference by everyone involved.
Talk to him and explain what could happen. It sounds like a lost cause from the family members around him that influence him. If you don't try you'll never know, there is always hope. I hope that nothing bad happens to him but sometimes that's what it takes to convince some people. Good Luck!
It's not much You can do, if His Father

still acts like a kid, and is showing His

Son all the wrong moves. You don't say

anything about His Mother, maybe She

can help save her Son. Keep Him in your

Prayers %26amp; Your fingers crossed, remember

the old saying "Like father,like Son." doesn't

have to be true, help Him as much as You can.
hey well im a 17 year old 2 n i loved doing the samething n i still do but the terrible accident i just had made me learn the lesson but it does not have 2 b like that 4 him one day u should just take him out 2 lunch n talk 2 him tell him how u feel n how things can turn out if he keeps goin the way he is n if that does not work i say u should scare him alil like call the cops on him over somthing minor or something that.
The best thing that you can do is to set a good example yourself. I have 2 niece's and one is in the same situation. The funny thing is she never acts that way around me and is always asking me questions about how I got my nice things. (I live in a very nice house and she lives with her parents that live with thier parents in a small trailer) I worked hard went to college got a degree and my huband and I saved for over 5 years.

Success doesn't come overnight and it doesn't come for free. I sat down with her and talked real life with her and ran some real life numbers (such as what my car costs, in terms of just how much baby sitting she would have to do a month to make the payment) Also had a frank, discussion about life and where she wants to be when she is 30. (Do you really want to still be living with your Mom?) If not how do you plan to get out of there? I told her about real life (something her parents don't really live in like your example)

My brother was furious when he found out and said it wasn't my place but, my niece said no one had ever told he about life as frankly as I did. I told her mistakes and all about life. I showed her my high school year book and told her what happened to the "cool kids" that got drunk and got high. I showed her where the girl that rode with the drunk kid got killed and drove by the prision that the kid that smoked weed started dealing weed and got busted was housed for the next 30 years of his life. It wasn't pretty and she cried but. she did start making little changes in her life and her grades have improved. It was an emotional day but, worth it in the end.

hope this helps
I'll be honest with you because I to have walked in your shoes.

There's nothing that you can do for him besides pray for his safety #1 and that God wraps his arms around this child. Pray. Stand in the gap for this child and his mother that God steps in to intervene. But be forewarned something has got to happen in order for your sister and nephew to wake up. God knocks but it's up to us to open the door.

You are in my prayers.
The best thing I can think of is take your nephew to talk to someone who can show him first hand the consequences of what his actions may have. Perhaps someone you know who has lost someone who was killed by a drunk driver. You might can talk to a police officer who could arrange for him to talk someone in prison who would be willing to talk to your nephew.

Above all else, pray for him.

I had Sex this morning 12/23 and I took my pill 3 hours Late?

I take my birth control pill everyday at 9pm.

This morning (12/23) I had sex (with condoms).

I took my pill 3 hours late (midnight).

How high is the risk of getting pregnant?

Merry Christmas

Happy Holidays

Have a beautiful and safe holiday.

I had Sex this morning 12/23 and I took my pill 3 hours Late?opera singer

Er very low risk. The condom probably worked to prevent pregnancy anyway. I don't know what type of pill you are on and I know the mini-pill has to be taken at the same time every day but with some combined pills you have a few hours' leeway. Do you have the information that comes with the pill? it should tell you. Most of them say that contraceptive effectiveness is not changed if you are a few hours late, sometimes up to 12. I'm sure you'll be fine.

I had Sex this morning 12/23 and I took my pill 3 hours Late?amc theater opera theaterI take Estrostep FE It's a 28-day pack I believe they are combined pills (3 weeks of active pills and 1 week of Iron pills) Report It

not high dont worry
As long as your on the pill..AND using protection..your chances are so low... and a few hours difference isn't so bad if it's not being missed constantly
You're already 3 months pregnant. Way to go.

Are employees entitled to a day's wages for each day an employer is late with a check?

I worked about 12 hours of OT at my job (I work at an office and was employed by a temp agency), but each check I received since then only reflected my normal wages, and did not even display the OT I worked. A co-worker of mine said that each day they are late getting me that pay, I am entitled to a full day's pay. Is this true?

Are employees entitled to a day's wages for each day an employer is late with a check?met opera

Where did you get that nonsense. Temp employers typically will cheat you out of any overtime pay... but there is no LAW about a day's pay.

Are employees entitled to a day's wages for each day an employer is late with a check?movie theatre opera theater

when pigs fly!
You should, but no, there is no law to that effect.
No, that is untrue. If your employer has difficulty paying you ontime, then that's a good sign you need to start looking for another employer !

I am almost 16 year old and i have my period a week late i took 3 pregnancy test but they were all n

Last month my period was normal. I never get my period late it usually just comes like 2 days before i expect it. This month i was expecting it the 28th of october but i havent had my period yet. I have been getting alittle dizzy and i have had some headaches.

I am almost 16 year old and i have my period a week late i took 3 pregnancy test but they were all negative???lyric opera





G00D LUCK :]

I am almost 16 year old and i have my period a week late i took 3 pregnancy test but they were all negative???imax theater opera theater

If you're having unprotected sex you could be pregnant. Make an appointment with your doctor, it doesn't sound like you're pregnant, but may have other issues going on.

Good luck.
There are so many things that can affect your period. Things such as illness, stress etc can make your periods earlier, later, heavier or lighter than normal.

You should make an appointment to see your doctor. Although you may or may not be pregnant, it's probably worth having a chat to them to discuss your symptoms. You might find it's something like lack of iron (I know - cause I've had it!), that's causing the headahces and dizziness.

If you are having sex there is always a chance that you could be pregnant even with a negative pregnancy test.

On the positive side, it is really easy for your cycle to get thrown off too. If you have been under a lot of stress, or have been sick at all in the last month you may not have ovulated when you usually do, and therefore will get your period later than normal.
wait a week and test again!! sometimes this happens.... the hormones might not be strong enough to show up on a home pregnancy test....... if no period in a few more weeks and the test are still negative i would go to the doc and get a blood test! good luck!!!
At least 7 days late.....take a test. It would show up in a test. Good luck and congrats.
first of all i gotta do the lecture thing!

you are too young to be having unprotected sex!! let alone sex

why arent you using protection? how hard is it to use protection?

okay well wait another week and see if it comes it can also be stress tht can delay a period%26gt;

another thing may even be if you had sex a few days before you were supposed to start then this too can cause a delay....

if the tests were negative wait another week and take another test.... if that one is negative then you are good to go.

you ae still very young and more than likkely are iregular

Breastfeeding my 6mth old , have had one period now 2nd is 4 days late .?

My period came Nov 10th , my husband and i had sex on the 21st . My period if it was going to be on time is 4 days late . For about a week or more i have been feeling different , heavy like i do when my periods coming .My lower back is achy , i have a dragging feeling in my lower ab . Have been starving but don't feel like eating . I have taken like 5 tests and they all say Neg . So why do i feel like i am getting my period ( i have always been on time and very regular )where is my period ?

Breastfeeding my 6mth old , have had one period now 2nd is 4 days late .?opera house

I exclusively breastfed for 15 months and started getting my period around 4 months and almost every month after that but I think I skipped 2-3 periods here and there. Crazy hormones! Don't worry!

Breastfeeding my 6mth old , have had one period now 2nd is 4 days late .?dream theater opera theater

If you didn't use protection, you were "ripe" for fertilization. Most women ovulate around day 14 and sperm can live up to 72 hours...Get a pregnancy test from your doc or planned parenthood. Some OTC tests are not accurate.
Unless you are taking BC, it's very possible that your period has just not arrived yet. I certainly would not worry after 4 days! Being regular before baby does not mean you will ever be regular again! Periods change for all sorts of reasons not really a big deal unless you bleed way too much OR cramp way too much.

You might consider using some form of real birth control however UNLESS of course you want to have another baby this year.

Congratulations on your wee bundle of joy!
my periods never tookt ime off while i was breastfeeding but they were crazy different compe\ared to before i had my baby. you can take BC, i think it's called micronor. it's safe for breastfeeding moms. your body is all out of whack. call you dr when your next starts and get a prescription...
I hope you aren't using breast feeding as birth control, because it doesn't work.

Is it possible to get a false negative test when your a week late?

OK so i know it happened to one a my friends friend or so she told me, but she was about 5 days late. I am really getting these symptoms i think i am gonna make an appointment at my doctors office

thanks in advance!!!!!

Is it possible to get a false negative test when your a week late?

Getting a false negative pregnancy test is more common than many women think. Pregnancy tests can measure as little as 20 m/IU of hCG or as much as 150 m/IU of hCG. A big difference when you are testing within the first week of a missed period.

There are also some women that do not test positive with a urine pregnancy test until they are a couple months or more along. For some unknown reason the hCG does not enter their urine and a postive pregnancy test is only possible by have a blood test done.

I would recommend that you call your OB/GYN to have a blood test scheduled and also check out the sensitivity of different home pregnancy tests that are available to purchase in most grocery and discount stores.

Also remember, that just because you "normally" ovulate on day 14 of your cycle, little things that happen like an illness, stress, traveling, and more can delay ovulation. It is possible you didn't ovulate when you thought you did, and are not yet "late".

Good luck and I hope you get the result that you want!!

Is it possible to get a false negative test when your a week late?amc theatre opera theater

If you ovulated less than 16 days before the day you tested you can get a false negative. Of course most women do not track ovulation, and even if you do nothing is certain.

Even if you ovulate at the "textbook" time of 14 days before the start of your next period, then testing the day of your expected next period could be too early. If you ovulated a few days later than 5 days late can be too soon to test.
Its always possible to get a false negative. Definately make an appointment so you know for sure! Good luck!
it is possible that u can get a false nagative when ur week late. as the hpt tests are only 99.9% accurate. Make appointment with ur doctor and get a pregnancy test (blood) u should be able to get the test result within a week.
I have actually heard of some women not being able to get a positive until they were actually a few months pregnant. It depends on the amount of the hcg hormone that pregnancy test detect. I would suggest a blood test to know for sure.
I have heard of some women never having enough HCG in their system to show a + test. The only way to know for sure is to get a blood test. Are your cycles generally regular?
yes it is possible to get a false negative test the best thing for you to do is make an appointment right away so if you are pregnant you can start your prenatal care for yourself and your baby
Yes it is! Some woman ovulate later than what they expected, while others arnt producing enough of the harmone to be detected. Wait another week, and test agian. If still negative, head to the doctors for a blood test.
It's possible but not very likely. Usually by a week after your expected period there should be enough HCG to be detected by the test... however, having said that, false negatives are more likely than false positives... so if you want to make sure I would advise you go to your doctors office to have a blood test done just to be certain. Best wishes!

Do you think its wrong if a teacher won't accept a 160 point poster one day late?

i handed mine in so its not me, but someone else. i mean getting a 0/160 would fail you for the marking period,and maybe for the whole year. we had around 13 days to do it, and 3 of those days he let us work on them in class, i know its a long time to work on them but not taking it one day late is pretty harsh, the school's policy for late work is having 10% taken off every day. that can still give you a pretty good grade.

so tell me what you think

10 points will go to the person with the most reasoning and reasons for there reply

Do you think its wrong if a teacher won't accept a 160 point poster one day late?opera mobile

if its a school policy then your teacher cannot disagree.

i would argue with the teacher first, if he refuses to listen, go to the principal.

if its a policy, everyone within the school has to obey it.

however, next time, make sure you turn it in on time=]

you wont believe it but i turned in my assignment at he end of the period instead of the beginning n my teacher wont except it!!!

hope somebody listens to you:D

Do you think its wrong if a teacher won't accept a 160 point poster one day late?imax theatre opera theater

If it's the school policy to let them hand it in late, then the teacher should accept the poster, I guess.

In my school, the teachers make up the rules, and if they tell you they won't accept anything one day late, they mean it.

The kid had 13 days plus class time to work on a poster. I don't think not taking it one day late is harsh or mean, it's fair. What was this kid doing during that class time? He probably could've finished it during class. Maybe he'll learn his lesson and not slack off anymore.
It's usually at the teacher's decision to follow that late homework policy. It's actually pretty common for honors/AP classes to not be able to turn in late work.
If it contradicts the schools policy I am not sure the teacher should really be doing it.

If the teacher did not warn the students in advance that late posters would get 0 credit then he should definitely accept it, especially since his policy contradicts the schools policy and he didn't warn them.

If he did warn them, then I think its still a little harsh. I expect the teachers probably are allowed to make that decision on their own even if it differs from school policy, and 13 days is a long time to work on a poster. But still, a failing grade for turning in one assignment late is really strict. Also, if he didn't make the possibility of failing clear, it seems a little unfair.

I doubt there is much the student can do about it, but in my opinion its pretty harsh to fail a student for a whole grading period for turning in an assignment one day late.
Teachers need to follow their school policy, regardless of whether or not they agree with it. I am very comfortable saying this as I am a teacher myself. I do think that it is a little harsh to not accept the assignment at all as the student obviously did the work. However I do think that the student needs to be held accountable for their tardiness otherwise it is not fair to the kids who worked hard to get their assignment done on time. The teacher seemed to be very reasonable about the timeline he/she gave for completion of the assignment and went above and beyond providing time in class. The student should have shown their respect and appreciation for this by handing in the assignment on time. I think the student should lose 10% per day to teach them some accountability because in the real world when they are employed the employer will not tolerate much tardiness. Learning how to meet deadlines and perform under pressure are life skills and are just as important , if not more so, as the content of the assignment. I do not feel it was fair of the teacher to not accept the assignment. I think this friend of yours needs to speak to the teacher in a calm, respectful way about this situation. If there is still a problem I think it could be brought to the attention of the Principal in a mature, respectful way.

Will i be able to get a good flight deal for the summer this late in the year?

I have to fly to NYC from London July 19th and come back August 30th. I know i have left it late but a travel agent i spoke to said leave it until easter weekend there is likely to be some sales, but now im really worried because all the flights are getting more and more expensive, was he wrong? Will there be new prices over easter (even for limited times?) I really cant afford 锟?00 but i have to go for work over there!

Will i be able to get a good flight deal for the summer this late in the year?opera sheet music

I would book soon--within the next 2-3 weeks--for the best prices. Transatlantic flights in summer are oversold, and airlines charge the highest fares of the year from June-August; demand is so great there there is little reason for them to discount summer flights.

Try and Compare against and ... Among these 4, I think you will find the absolute best offer.

Will i be able to get a good flight deal for the summer this late in the year?shows opera theater

Considering the number of airlines that fly transatlantic you should be ok waiting a month or so and seeing if anything cheaper comes up.

Check the various discount flight websites as well as the airlines themselves for online offers, you can sometimes find a good deal there.

Also consider if its possible to leave earlier and return later, both the dates you have are on the weekend which is normally more expensive than during weekdays.

I had a quick look on Opodo and Air India is quoted at 锟?62. Thats 锟?0 cheaper than Continental or Delta.
Of course there are still good prices. I recently just booked a flight from San Antonio, Texas to Oslo, Norway for 5 weeks and it was under $1000. So you can get good deals. It also depends if you are flying from Gatwick or Heathrow and going to JFK or LaGuardia or Newark. Try I found Heathrow to JFK for 锟?92. It is with Swiss Airlines, you connect in Zurich, and it only and 1hr and 5min layover,but you have to from London to Zurich then to NYC. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!

Please help me out ladies. I think this may be the lucky month. 2days late for AF & this has nev

I am 2 days late and this has never happened before in 12 years. I am always a steady 27 or 28 days cycle. I used OPK's and cm to pinpoint ovulation and BD all around that BFP OPK. I am now cycle day 30 and I am getting a bit excited although 4 days ago I had a BFN. My engine just went in my car and I can not make it to the store for a couple of days until I get my car fixed. Right now, I am just waiting for AF. I should be able to get to the store for more tests in 2 days but am going nuts right now. I have no symptoms of being pregnant except that my BB's are sooo very sore, even more than my usual AF symptom. Also no other AF signs! I always have intense cramps the day before and the days of AF but none. What do you think? Could it be even though I had a BFN 4 days ago? Thank you in advance for your information!

Please help me out ladies. I think this may be the lucky month. 2days late for AF %26amp; this has never happend!?listen to opera

Can't anyone else go get a test for you? The waiting would make me crazy!!! Good luck, hope it's true!

And if it is... congrats :)

Mental abuse. How do you stand up for yourself and is it ever to late to stop it? Please any advice

I've been dealing with my on and off again boyfriend for 3 years.Once I fell in love I've been tolerating alot of things that I shouldn't from him but I always take him back because I love him. Now he's getting worse and worse because he knows I'll get mad for a couple of days but I'll let him come back. Ahnoestly I don't even know if he loves or respects me anymore because of the stuff I've let him get away with.

But my question is once you let someone get away with stuff like running back and fowards between you and other women and things like that and calling you names. Is it ever to late to stand up and save the relationship? And if so then how? Or once someone gets away with so much is it basically over and they'll never have the same respect for you?

Mental abuse. How do you stand up for yourself and is it ever to late to stop it? Please any advice helpful.?movie theater

It's done with done with him. You obviously want to be with someone who you can love without having him USE that against you...this guy you're with will never ever appreciate you!! You need to get yourself out of this toxic relationship %26amp; be on your own for only THINK you love him...deep down, how can you actually LOVE someone who treats you like garbage? This guy has no heart %26amp; he will never come around, even if you tell him exactly how you feel....he doesn't care about your feelings. If he did, he wouldn't be such a jerk!! You've been involved in this situtation for so long that you've come to accept it as

"good enough". Well, it's not!! Get out before it gets worse!! He may not be physically abusive, but there's no telling if/when he'll cross THAT line too.

Mental abuse. How do you stand up for yourself and is it ever to late to stop it? Please any advice helpful.?tickets opera theater

do i even have to tell u drop him like its hott
Playing alot of head games with you because he knows you love him is mental abuse. You are in an unhealthy relationship. Stand up for yourself and have enough respect and love for yourself to walk away and never look back. You deserve better. It won't change. Just walk away, you can do it.
If his comments and actions hurt you emotionally then its mental abuse.... think about it...would you say and do those things to someone you loved ?, is your answer NO?, then you have answered your own question, he doesn't love you and definately doesn't respect you, you are his little puppy dog and he is getting a power high controlling you. Have some respect for yourself and walk away for good, cos he sure hasn't got any for you
1. It's never too late to save the relationship, but remember, save it if it's worth saving it. keep in mind that a relationship should allow you to grow and mature, and provide you security and happiness.

2. You could save the relationship by mutually agreeing that you will be respecting each other. (but remember, if boyfrind doesn't wan' to change his negative attitudes, it's not your responsibility to mak a saint out of him.) You could only save the relationship if BOTH OF YOU is willing to save it.

3. Don't and NEVER blame yourself for loving and allowing someone to be who they would want to be. you are worthy of being respected. It's just that, your boyfriend is INCAPABLE of valuing the love and understanding that you are capable of giving.

* i think you are very capable of loving, the problem is, as how you stated your problem, it's your boyfriend WHO IS THE PROBLEM. choose to be happy. You are worthy of the best things in life.
Get rid of him.....he's taking advantage of your feelings. Especially considering he knows you'll take him back every time he comes crawling back to you....he's having his way with you.

Break it off.....and don't take him back. You can do a lot better than that.

How do you set an administrator password so kids can't get on late at night?

Kids are getting on late at night while grandma is sleeping---

How do you set an administrator password so kids can't get on late at night?home theater

If you are an Att Yahoo Internet user you can make your Internet account the master one. Then you can click on "my account," and from there change the sub account passwords. Be sure you are the only one to know those passwords and then the kids can only log on to the Internet with your help. Also, if you are a Windows user, once you are in Windows, go to control panel. Then click on "user accounts." If there are more than one accounts, click "change accounts" and delete all but one. Then click on the "user accounts" icon. Click on the icon for the one remaining account. Click on "create a password" and follow the instructions there. Be sure to log off of Windows at night. If you need to get more radical you can disconnect some important cable and take it to bed with you each night. You might also consider moving the computer into your room or a room you can lock securely. These may sound like radical suggestions but late-night, unsupervised Internet use can be a serious problem.

How do you set an administrator password so kids can't get on late at night?comedy club opera theater

Get Windows Vista, it will allow you to set certain times or length of times users are allowed on the computer (assuming they aren't admins).
I highly recommend a piece of software called Child Safe from Webroot. With this software, you can set user accounts and designate specific times that the computer is allowed to be operated for each user, a daily maximum for computer usage and internet usage, allow/deny access to certain programs/games, and filter those websites you don't want your kids to see.
hit Ctrl+Alt+Del and select change password if you are logged on as administrator.
It would be easier to answer you if we knew what type of operating system you are using. With mac, all you do is assign Grandma the asministrator window and create separate log-in windows for the kids. You can add parental controls that only allow certain activities. You could also change the password to the computer so that a grown-up has to log on before a child can use the computer.
These three Microsoft site will give you plenty of information for setting up accounts on your computer.
First of all my friend, you need to remember your administrator password, so do not forget it. To set up an administrative password, pls restart ur computer and press `del' key. Next step, u enter the administrative password in the system admin.

For any other methods, u may refer to the below sites.

How can i either make my period come a week early or a week late with out the pill? I NEED HELP!!?

I am going to see my boyfriend the 9th and i am scheduled to have my period the 6th! I only see him once every month! I am getting very stressed out over this, and was wondering if there was any way to make my period come either a week early or a week late with out taking the pill. Ive heard use of ginger and parsely.. does it work? Do i even have a chance of pulling this off or am i screwed? I would loveeeee some advice and help!!! thank you tons!!

How can i either make my period come a week early or a week late with out the pill? I NEED HELP!!?amc theater

Absolutely not. This is such a ridiculous question, and clearly you have no idea about the female body. Your boyfriend will understand. I'm sure you'll have a good time regardless. Maybe you can go bowling.

How can i either make my period come a week early or a week late with out the pill? I NEED HELP!!?concerts opera theater

no, no natural way to adjust your period unless you are already on the pill (and if you are, it doesn't affect your body in any way to skip your period for a month.. it really doesnt! doesn't increase your chances of getting pregant either). the only "natural" way is to be extra stressed out or be pregnant.. sorry
I've heard the Pill postpones your period, but I don't know ... I think what you said about 'You're screwed' is right.

Sorry lol, but good luck anyway :)
getting some progesterone cream and using it until youre visit is over might work. Its the progesterone drop that triggers your menstruation and you might be able to stop it for a few days. But if your period starts you need to stop using the progesterone cream.

You can use 1/4 tsp twice per day,

go to emerita website and

Progesterone cream is over the counter and very safe.
Umm..I don't think you can really make it come before youre body wants it to. Wait until youre a little bit'll be prolonging getting that sh it as long as you can because its such a pain. I would never wish an early period on even my worst enemy. If youre worried about the period ruining your intimate time with your guy..then, I hate to say it but thats life. It could fall on that particular way for a reason. Its
as far as i know, there's no way of changing your cycle, and to be honest, if it's for you bfs benefit, why should you? There are better ways to pass the time than having sex (i know many will question this) especially if you don't see him that much.

goodluck anyways
the pill stops your egg from dropping so you do not get pregnant and will regulate your cycle. sex is not everything. there is no way to stop your period from coming except the depo shots that will stop your period sometimes.depo makes you gain 5-10 pounds a year
I'm sorry but you can't naturally change when your period is.

There is more to life than intercourse and other things you can do to be intimate.

Periods are natural things. Explain to your boyfriend and if he is a decent chap he will understand. It is you he wants to see, not just what you want to do.
i dont think you can with out the pill
Just put a towel on the bed and go for it !!!
sorry, you can't, they come when they are ready, however i find that times of stress can stop them or delay them
there isnt a way im afraid, i used to get upset if my period came when i didnt want it, my husband likes sex when im on my period tho, as long as you lay on a towel its ok, and actually feels quite intense, just tell him to be gentle, its not as messy as you might imagine actually, if neither of you are keen, then you can still be sexual in different ways, try giving him oral sex, theres lots of ways to get to know each others bodies
hi honey,

I was once going on holiday for a week and my period was due i went to the doctor and told him this and he gave me a some pills to take and it delayed my period for 1 week (these pills are like taking a full month of contraceptive pills all at once ) your period will return back to normal when u start taking these pills .But u must see ur doctor as soon as poss good luck sweetiexxx

I have an e mail in my inbox that must have come in late and is in another part of my many inbox mes

I sometimes get an email that must be very late in getting to me and it gets mixed up somewhere in my many old inbox messages. I dont like to have to delete these messages as I may need to access them sometime in the future. Is there a way to find this wayward message without having to surf through all my old e mail messages?

I have an e mail in my inbox that must have come in late and is in another part of my many inbox messages?movie theatre

if you click on view and then sort by date all your new mesages should show at the top as they come in. Hope this helps


I have an e mail in my inbox that must have come in late and is in another part of my many inbox messages?playhouse opera theater

With inbox open---at top of page just above the delete tab---view--"all messages". Click the down arrow next to messages and choose "unread messages".

That will bring up all unread mail for you, in a separate screen.

I'm not sure if I'm pregnant and my period is three weeks late?

I had unprotected sex on the 20th of September and he came in me twice. I have been on the pill for three years and just recently got off of it in June 2007. Right now i am three weeks late on my period and the only simptom of pregnacy i am feeling is soreness in my breast. I am a regular smoker and casual drinker. I would go to a doctor but i just lost my health insurance in june 07. So right now i am in search of a free clinic in my area. My boyfriend thinks that i cant be pregnant that its just from getting off the pills and trying to get back to a natural cyckle. I dont know whats wrong and i was hoping someone could give me some possible explainations of my missed period and no symptoms of being pregnant??

I'm not sure if I'm pregnant and my period is three weeks late?imax theater

First thing is to take a home pregnancy test. If the reason you are off insurance is affordability you might check into medicaid services if you are pregnant.

I'm not sure if I'm pregnant and my period is three weeks late?classical music opera theater

You could definatly be pregnant. But your cycles could also be off. You should just take a home pregnancy test because sometimes you have no symptoms of pregnancy until a few months. Good luck!
There are so many other reasons besides pregnancy for your late period. Are you under lots of stress? Has your diet changed? The first thing I'd recommend you do is go to the drugstore and buy a home pregnancy test. At least if you test positive, you will rule out one thing. If you are, this gives you a heads up as to what you are headed for and then you can make some choices. It usually takes anywhere from 2 months to as much as a year for the pill to get out of your system. It depends on what the dose it is and how long you had been on it. Good Luck
Stop drinking and smoking until you are certain whether or not you are pregnant! A test cost $10 at the pharmacy and if you have a $1 store near you then you can usually get one there!

If you are having unprotected sex then you should expect to get pregnant. You need to find out and then call the WIC office in your area, someone there can help you until you can get yourself insurance.
the soreness of your breast is a symptom, another sure sign is if you are feeling xtra sleepy...all the time....the usual nausea and food aversion could be there but not necessarily...other than sounds like you may be pregnant...whether you are or not, if you are having this baby, please stop smoking, drinking or doing any other drug legal or illegal...until you know for sure what are you doing..

trust me, if you are keeping your baby, you will regret not taking care of both of you since of luck!
Many, many people notice no symptoms whatsoever in the first 10-12 weeks. On the other hand classic "pregnancy symptoms" can be caused by lots of things besides pregnancy. Going by symptoms is completely unreliable.

Sore breasts can be a symptom of pregnancy, or of a hormonal peak that occurs before menstruation.

If your periods were back to normal after going off the pill, and it is now all of a sudden late, you certainly could be pregnant.

For many women, fertility resumes as early as 8 days after taking that last hormone pill, regardless of whether or not regular cycles resume.

An inexpensive urine pregnancy test is very accurate if done at least 2 weeks after unprotected sex. It has been that long for you. Do the test yourself, so you will know.

Obviously, you should not drink at all if there is any chance. It's hard to stop smoking, but you should try.

Good luck -- I hope things work out the way you want them to!
i have 6 kids and everytime i missed my period i was pregnant because you were on the pill it raised the hormone levels makes it faster and easier to get pregnant. trust me ur pregnant

