My period came Nov 10th , my husband and i had sex on the 21st . My period if it was going to be on time is 4 days late . For about a week or more i have been feeling different , heavy like i do when my periods coming .My lower back is achy , i have a dragging feeling in my lower ab . Have been starving but don't feel like eating . I have taken like 5 tests and they all say Neg . So why do i feel like i am getting my period ( i have always been on time and very regular )where is my period ?
Breastfeeding my 6mth old , have had one period now 2nd is 4 days late .?opera house
I exclusively breastfed for 15 months and started getting my period around 4 months and almost every month after that but I think I skipped 2-3 periods here and there. Crazy hormones! Don't worry!
Breastfeeding my 6mth old , have had one period now 2nd is 4 days late .?dream theater opera theater
If you didn't use protection, you were "ripe" for fertilization. Most women ovulate around day 14 and sperm can live up to 72 hours...Get a pregnancy test from your doc or planned parenthood. Some OTC tests are not accurate.
Unless you are taking BC, it's very possible that your period has just not arrived yet. I certainly would not worry after 4 days! Being regular before baby does not mean you will ever be regular again! Periods change for all sorts of reasons not really a big deal unless you bleed way too much OR cramp way too much.
You might consider using some form of real birth control however UNLESS of course you want to have another baby this year.
Congratulations on your wee bundle of joy!
my periods never tookt ime off while i was breastfeeding but they were crazy different compe\ared to before i had my baby. you can take BC, i think it's called micronor. it's safe for breastfeeding moms. your body is all out of whack. call you dr when your next starts and get a prescription...
I hope you aren't using breast feeding as birth control, because it doesn't work.
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