Thursday, December 10, 2009

How does someone get through to my 17 year old nephew, before its too late?

I am very concerned about my 17 year old nephew. His father (my brother-in-law) is a big kid himself and my nephew is taking right after him. He is taking stupid risks with vehicles, and has been caught a few times drunk. I realize I also did some stupid things as a teen, as most do. I dont want to see him get hurt, hurt someone else or get in trouble with the law.

He comes from an UNBROKEN family, and like I said my brother-in-law is nothing but a big child himself, he lives to IMPRESS others, and that is no joke. My sister has been brain-washed by him also, its like shes not the person she used to be, so talking to my sister has done no good. Their family of 5 is all about $$$$ (even though they live way above their means) and what you can brag to others about. What can be done to at least wake the kids up, before something happens and its too late. I dont want them living like this and worry about them getting hurt by acting stupidly to impress others! Thanks

How does someone get through to my 17 year old nephew, before its too late?secure browser

maybe you should invite them to stay with you for a weekend to "spend quality time together" or give your brother and his wife some "time alone" during this time you could try to get him to open up to you about things he's done, open up to him about things you did. make him know you aren't going to get him into trouble. explain how the things he does, (and that you both did) are so dangerous and stupid. and also make sure its a fun time. talk about alternatives to things he is doing that are fun (like sports, or clubs, or working, or something he would enjoy)

How does someone get through to my 17 year old nephew, before its too late?home theater opera theater

sounds like a typical seventeen year old....the problem with that is sometimes it is fatal....pray for him and discuss your concerns with him in a loving way
Turn him into the police when you catch him drunk.

Better than burying him.

The cops will educate him.
The worst feeling in the world is knowing that your family is dissapointed in you. If he knows this, it would break his heart.
Stay out of how they live their isn't your business - just because you live your life more conservitavely does not make their lifestyle wrong. They can raise their kids how they can't influence them.
Honestly, if your nephew's parents are like that, at this late date there is NOTHING you can do. The damage has already been done.
Unfortunately some people have to learn the hard way. That's what this life is all about. If you can find it in your heart to just love this kid and be the favorite aunt that will always listen and not be judge mental then and only then you will be able to influence him and he may even listen to you. The only way to get experience that builds character and truly make him a better man is by making mistakes and learning from them. sorry, there really is no other way. lets just pray he dosent kill or hurt himself or others in the process. good luck, Swequin
There is little you can do at this point. Your "window of opportunity" for influencing your nephew's development passed years ago and will not recur unless he asks you for help. Until that time, anything you do is likely to be seen as unwelcome interference by everyone involved.
Talk to him and explain what could happen. It sounds like a lost cause from the family members around him that influence him. If you don't try you'll never know, there is always hope. I hope that nothing bad happens to him but sometimes that's what it takes to convince some people. Good Luck!
It's not much You can do, if His Father

still acts like a kid, and is showing His

Son all the wrong moves. You don't say

anything about His Mother, maybe She

can help save her Son. Keep Him in your

Prayers %26amp; Your fingers crossed, remember

the old saying "Like father,like Son." doesn't

have to be true, help Him as much as You can.
hey well im a 17 year old 2 n i loved doing the samething n i still do but the terrible accident i just had made me learn the lesson but it does not have 2 b like that 4 him one day u should just take him out 2 lunch n talk 2 him tell him how u feel n how things can turn out if he keeps goin the way he is n if that does not work i say u should scare him alil like call the cops on him over somthing minor or something that.
The best thing that you can do is to set a good example yourself. I have 2 niece's and one is in the same situation. The funny thing is she never acts that way around me and is always asking me questions about how I got my nice things. (I live in a very nice house and she lives with her parents that live with thier parents in a small trailer) I worked hard went to college got a degree and my huband and I saved for over 5 years.

Success doesn't come overnight and it doesn't come for free. I sat down with her and talked real life with her and ran some real life numbers (such as what my car costs, in terms of just how much baby sitting she would have to do a month to make the payment) Also had a frank, discussion about life and where she wants to be when she is 30. (Do you really want to still be living with your Mom?) If not how do you plan to get out of there? I told her about real life (something her parents don't really live in like your example)

My brother was furious when he found out and said it wasn't my place but, my niece said no one had ever told he about life as frankly as I did. I told her mistakes and all about life. I showed her my high school year book and told her what happened to the "cool kids" that got drunk and got high. I showed her where the girl that rode with the drunk kid got killed and drove by the prision that the kid that smoked weed started dealing weed and got busted was housed for the next 30 years of his life. It wasn't pretty and she cried but. she did start making little changes in her life and her grades have improved. It was an emotional day but, worth it in the end.

hope this helps
I'll be honest with you because I to have walked in your shoes.

There's nothing that you can do for him besides pray for his safety #1 and that God wraps his arms around this child. Pray. Stand in the gap for this child and his mother that God steps in to intervene. But be forewarned something has got to happen in order for your sister and nephew to wake up. God knocks but it's up to us to open the door.

You are in my prayers.
The best thing I can think of is take your nephew to talk to someone who can show him first hand the consequences of what his actions may have. Perhaps someone you know who has lost someone who was killed by a drunk driver. You might can talk to a police officer who could arrange for him to talk someone in prison who would be willing to talk to your nephew.

Above all else, pray for him.

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