Thursday, December 10, 2009

I was just wondering if I could still be Prego because I am a week late and still no period and brow

My husband and I have been trying for over a year now and this is the first time that I have been a week late and now very small amout of brown dishcarge, not much for a day now and getting negative results from the HPT. I went out and got First Response everyone says is a good one to use, still neg? What should I do? Im thinking I will give it another week then see my doc? Just wondering If anyone has had these symtoms before and if you did, did you get pregnant?

I was just wondering if I could still be Prego because I am a week late and still no period and brown spottingperforming arts

sorry does not sound like you are pregnant.

brown spotting is very normal in the begining of your period.

there are books that you can get at your book store that has alot of things you can try for getting pregnat.

I was just wondering if I could still be Prego because I am a week late and still no period and brown spottingbinoculars opera theater

brown discharge can be whats called implantation bleeding, which is when an embryo implants itself in your womb, this could well be the case, but as you are only a week late, i would give it another week before trying another PT, as sometimes it takes a little while for your hormone levels to pick up, with my second baby, i knew i was pregnant after being a week late but also had neg on PT. You could also see your doc if you really want to know now, and ask for a blood test which is more sensitive on picking up the pregnancy hormone.
i'm not sure that Mea knows what she's talking about. Implantation bleeding is very similar to what you're experiencing. it doesn't last long, and it's not as heavy as your regular period. your hormones may not be high enough to get a positive result yet. wait another week or so. you could also see your doctor and have him give you a blood test. good luck! :-)

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