Saturday, December 5, 2009

I changed my mind and want to get my son circumcised. He is 13 months old now. Is it too late, AND..

What kind of trauma or reactions, or problems could occur at getting ti done so late after his first couple of days of birth? Thank you for your answers in advance!

I changed my mind and want to get my son circumcised. He is 13 months old now. Is it too late, AND....?palace theatre

It is not too late to get it done. I would definitely talk to your pediatrician to find out what doctor would be doing the procedure and find out what they have to say.

Since he is no longer a newborn they will most likely use anesthesia. He will be strapped down but not until he is asleep. I was a surgical tech before I was a stay at home mom and I have assisted on these procedures before. What happens is they take the baby to the OR and then they put a little oxygen mask over their face to get them to calm down and fall asleep then they lay him down and strap his arms to the arm boards like they would do to us adults. Then they do the procedure which normally takes 15 min and then he is done. I really don't know what happens after because I always stayed in the OR. But when they are done as newborns you keep a vasaline gauze on the penis until it doesn't look so raw. That will help it from sticking to the diaper. Your son will be in more pain then a newborn is in but you can at least give him some meds for it. Make sure you get all the facts about the procedure before you actually do it.

I hope this helps you.

I changed my mind and want to get my son circumcised. He is 13 months old now. Is it too late, AND....?concert tickets opera theater

Ouch! He will be very aware of what is happening at that age. I don't know if I would do it at this point.
Oh it is doable. In my country kids would even have it done at age 12+. Heh but it's more of a quick process and a snip.

Nothing to serious! it can be done in a matter of minutes!
It's not at all too late. My son was circumcised when he was 12. Believe me it's worse then. I don't think it will be very serious at all, and in my opinion it is a very good idea. My son had health problems associated with not being circumcised.
did you bother to ask him what HE wants?..........(It IS HIS penis..not yours)
he will be in a lot of pain it won't be a great experience for him but in time he will forget it.
y do u wanna get him circumcised then i will give you my opinion

why bother, it has no real affect on his health. the only reason to do it is religion.
Since anesthetic is used, it's not the actual circumcision that causes the fear/trauma. It's the part where baby is strapped down that really scares them. But, at 13 months they will quickly move past it and will eventually forget it happened!
it is never to late really to have him circumcised. I know a grown man who had to have his re-done...There wont be no problems that occur, might just have to keep it a little cleaner because your not changing his diaper as much. He might know what is happening at the moment but he wont remember it. Good luck
Well, I would not recommend it.

No anasthesia (and its tissue full of nerve endings - VERY painful)

No medical benefit

Guys who are cut have to endure keratinisation of the glans, meaning less sensitivity and pleasure during sex.

Guys who are uncut have more pleasure during sex.

There is no medical proof that it is healthier.

Dont listen to the "more hygenic" crap. Guys are quite capable of washing down there.

Your child may resent you doing it to him when he gets older.

Let him decide when hes older - its his body, not yours.
It would have been better to do it at birth if you're going to do this unnecessary act. If you're going to do it now, make sure you stand there and listen to him while they do it. And while you're at it why don't you submit to having the hood over your clitoris excised, that's about as necessary as this.
There is no real trauma or any problems. Some males get circumcised when they are 30 or older.

However, I urge you to reconsider. It is a barbaric procedure that was originally done to quell the sexual pleasures of young males. In addition, the males who did have it done when they were 30 said their pleasure level went from a 10/10 to a 2/10. Over 50% of infants are not circumcised no the US and like 80% in England and across the other English speaking countries.

Additionally, women who have had sex with cut and intact men typically prefer intact men since it reduces friction.

Please do not needlessly harm your son and decrease his pleasure and that of his mate for a purely cosmetic reason. He is your son, but do what is best form him.
No its no to late. my next door neighbours little boy is 9 years old and he had problem with his penis because he wasnt circumcised, she got it dont for him 3 weeks ago an it is healed with no problems at all.

i say if you want to get it done then do it. i asked my next door neighbours boy did it hurt and he said he could only feel pulling and he wasnt numbed or anything. good luck!
Why do you want to get him circumcized? Is he having a medical problem that it needs to be removed? I don't really see a point in doing it, unless it's necessary.

But I know my dad and my brother had thiers done in their 20's. My brother told me it hurt like hell, but they made the decision themselves when they were older.
there's a reason why they do it just after birth, and that's because it's painful for the little guy! you'll need to see a specialist called a pediatric urologist. they'll give you the facts and let you decide based on that. peronally, I think it's cruel to do it this late.
My son had to be circumcised at three. (It was because it was necessary). But he was put under anesthetic and so wasn't traumatized.
Personally I think that it's better to get it done know (although it is a little late) because it's gonna hurt him alot more later in life. I don't really think he's gonna have like some horrendous reaction or go through any kind of trauma. The risks are probably the same now as they would have been at birth. But seriously if your gonna get it done the sooner the better.
There is no medical benefit to circumcision. Would you give a 13 month old girl breast implants?
My dad was in his late 50's when he had to have it done! It's much worse the older you are! I think the worst part will be restraining him. Ask if they will give him a sedative or do it under general anesthetic. Otherwise it should be a pretty easy recovery.
Its not too late, but as one has already said, at this age he will be more aware and it will be much more painful, and they might have to put him under with anesthesia. I wouldn't do it.
the only thing is, is that its gonna hurt him more and he'll remember it. it'll prob hurt everytime you change him bum etc. i would do it honestly. i wouldnt be able to see my boy go through that. at least if they're a baby, its not so bad
I do not think that it is too late but I think I would think it over and talk to your pediatrician and find out for sure... Also think it over and google some pictures of problems with them. I got my son circumcised and really wish I wouldn't have. Although he has feeling through his penis, the tip is a bright purple and hasn't faded. He is now 5 years old. I would definatly look at some pictures on the net of ones that went bad and then judge for yourself, not having it done is becoming a more popular thing. Also as old as he is you may want to think of him feeling it and remembering, most hospitals around me only use a local to numb the area but the babies forget, at 13 months I can't say he would forget totally. Good Luck!
its not too late, the sooner the better though, but some adult men get it done
If you're that bored get yourself circumcised and leave that boys penis the hell alone. Drama starter...
got mine done at 23 without too many issues. never too late. earlier the better, quicker healing, less risk.
Unfortunately your son will suffer because of your ignorance. The foreskin has the five most sensitive areas of the penis, when they are amputated no part left can compare to that which was cut off. The glans (head of the penis) is actually the least sensitive area of the penis and after "circumcision" leaves it exposed to constant friction it looses most of what it did have. Together these facts mean that for "circumcised" males sex is mostly imagined pleasure with little actual feeling.

matt says he got "circumcised" at a later age and there was nothing to it, so LEAVE IT until a later age when HE can decide about HIS penis.

I was mutilated at a little bit later date and I for sure remember it, I was cool with it at the time but later my experiences proved to me that it was a bad mistake, my experience taught me that females should never be trusted about anything important. Mother's roll in my genital mutilation was never forgotten.
It will hurt, and he will not b happy. Thats no different than a newborn though, just now he's bigger and has more personality- so you'll have to realise that he is in pain (unlike a newborn where they ARE in pain, but apparently its easier to brush off)

Trauma and reactions- he may have nightmares, fear of doctors, trouble with urinating

Think of it this way- imagine your son ACTUALLY had somthing medically wrong with him and a simple surgery was gauranteed to fix it- you would be still feel guilty and worried out of your mind right? Anesthesia and surgery ARE dangerous, and there is ALWAYS a risk of complications. In your son's case, he has NOTHING wrong with him. Its a little crazy to subjewct him to the risks and the pain for no reason.

Here's a link to help calm your fears....
people in africa get circumcised when theyre 18. better late then never
Since he's still little i think its ok because some men have it as they are older already....i wish every mother would circumsize their sons. It is so ugly an uncircumsized penis and harder to take care of
well after a year they can have it done i am getting my sons done his dad didnt what to but i told him u clean it till he can he said no so i said we r getting it done i dont want anything to happen to him

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