I had unprotected sex on the 20th of September and he came in me twice. I have been on the pill for three years and just recently got off of it in June 2007. Right now i am three weeks late on my period and the only simptom of pregnacy i am feeling is soreness in my breast. I am a regular smoker and casual drinker. I would go to a doctor but i just lost my health insurance in june 07. So right now i am in search of a free clinic in my area. My boyfriend thinks that i cant be pregnant that its just from getting off the pills and trying to get back to a natural cyckle. I dont know whats wrong and i was hoping someone could give me some possible explainations of my missed period and no symptoms of being pregnant??
I'm not sure if I'm pregnant and my period is three weeks late?imax theater
First thing is to take a home pregnancy test. If the reason you are off insurance is affordability you might check into medicaid services if you are pregnant.
I'm not sure if I'm pregnant and my period is three weeks late?classical music opera theater
You could definatly be pregnant. But your cycles could also be off. You should just take a home pregnancy test because sometimes you have no symptoms of pregnancy until a few months. Good luck!
There are so many other reasons besides pregnancy for your late period. Are you under lots of stress? Has your diet changed? The first thing I'd recommend you do is go to the drugstore and buy a home pregnancy test. At least if you test positive, you will rule out one thing. If you are, this gives you a heads up as to what you are headed for and then you can make some choices. It usually takes anywhere from 2 months to as much as a year for the pill to get out of your system. It depends on what the dose it is and how long you had been on it. Good Luck
Stop drinking and smoking until you are certain whether or not you are pregnant! A test cost $10 at the pharmacy and if you have a $1 store near you then you can usually get one there!
If you are having unprotected sex then you should expect to get pregnant. You need to find out and then call the WIC office in your area, someone there can help you until you can get yourself insurance.
the soreness of your breast is a symptom, another sure sign is if you are feeling xtra sleepy...all the time....the usual nausea and food aversion could be there but not necessarily...other than that...it sounds like you may be pregnant...whether you are or not, if you are having this baby, please stop smoking, drinking or doing any other drug legal or illegal...until you know for sure what are you doing..
trust me, if you are keeping your baby, you will regret not taking care of both of you since conception.....best of luck!
Many, many people notice no symptoms whatsoever in the first 10-12 weeks. On the other hand classic "pregnancy symptoms" can be caused by lots of things besides pregnancy. Going by symptoms is completely unreliable.
Sore breasts can be a symptom of pregnancy, or of a hormonal peak that occurs before menstruation.
If your periods were back to normal after going off the pill, and it is now all of a sudden late, you certainly could be pregnant.
For many women, fertility resumes as early as 8 days after taking that last hormone pill, regardless of whether or not regular cycles resume.
An inexpensive urine pregnancy test is very accurate if done at least 2 weeks after unprotected sex. It has been that long for you. Do the test yourself, so you will know.
Obviously, you should not drink at all if there is any chance. It's hard to stop smoking, but you should try.
Good luck -- I hope things work out the way you want them to!
i have 6 kids and everytime i missed my period i was pregnant because you were on the pill it raised the hormone levels makes it faster and easier to get pregnant. trust me ur pregnant
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