Thursday, December 10, 2009

What do i do about neighbors that are too loud, too late at night?

the people that live diagnal to me have been up late (9:30- 3 am) playing their music at a VERY LOUD level, which to my dislikeing keeps me up which is a very bad thing b/c i have to get up at 5 to get ready for work. all this means that i only get lest say about 2 hours worth of restful sleep. i have no idea as to how to go about getting them to keep it down at night.

What do i do about neighbors that are too loud, too late at night?pacific theater

Call the police and let them handle it. I would say go over and talk to them one day but people are so rude these days you probably will end up calling the police anyway. Another alternative is get the other people in the neighbor hood on board and start a petition.

What do i do about neighbors that are too loud, too late at night?phantom of the opera opera theater

call the police

Just because it may not be the nicest thing to do doesn't mean it isn't the appropriate thing to do. Obviously your neighbors aren't the nicest neighbors so I don't think they worry too much about it. I feel bad for you, I get pretty mad when people keep me up at night, I'll call the cops no problem. got to respect people that have to get up in the morning. Want to have a good time, go to the bar.
Well if you have asked them to stop, and they wont, then you could call the police and have an officer come and tell them for you. You don't even have to tell them who you are, leave it completely anonymous.
Call the police. Most places have noise ordinances, stating that music or other noises cannot bother people inside city limits or they'll be fined. The police will go by and tell them to keep it down, and no one will tell them your name. If it happens again, call the police again, and the people will most likely get a citation.

Edit: I would not suggest going over and telling them to turn it down yourself. Because if they don't, and then you have to call the police anyway, they'll know exactly who told the police and then you could start a fight in your neighborhood.
After 10pm in most states (if not all), you can call the police.

They will come by and tell them to turn it down or off.
I agree with the first answerer - call the police and ask them what your rights are.
Have you tried to politely tell them about your situation during the day time or evenings? That may help. If you have tried a few times, you can definitely call the non-emergency line of your local police to come as they do issue warnings. Also, try to avoid living around college towns.
tell them to shup the f*** up!!!! (but only after 11..... It's the law....) also call the police......
I would call the police
Your city/town might have a noise ordinance. Have you tried calling the police? Other neighbors are probably just as annoyed as you. They don't have to know who called.
call the cops. they will tell them to tone it down!
Go over and ask nicely if they would please keep it down because you have to get up early in the morning, then if they don't, call your local law enforcement.
Most communities, townships and boroughs have noise ordinances during a set-time. By contacting your local town clerk (or you can call the police directly), they can tell you what that time frame is. Most communities will issue warnings from "anonomous" calls, but if you want them cited, you may have to identify yourself, in which your neighbor may find out that's it's you making the complaint.

If you live in a community that has a homeowners association (HOA), you may want to contact your homeowners board. Almost ALL HOA's have a noise restriction. Hope this helps!
Everyone is saying to call the police. It is the correct thing to do. Look into the noise ordinance. If you have tried to be nice, then being nice no longer works.
Call the police. We have the same problem with our neighbors also. The cops go there and they behave for the next few months then they back doing the same things. So we or our other neighbors calls the cops again. So just keep calling and complain. Hopefully this will stop them!
Have you gone over there and talked to them yet. Ask them if they wouldn't mind keeping the music down after say 10 pm. Tell them that you can hear it in your house and it's making things difficult for you to sleep. If they don't stop then call the police and have the noise law acted. Or you can just call the police the next time they start and let them take care of it without the neighbors knowing who called on them.
as many other people hav said, call the police. many places have noise ordinances, however, not all do. i've lived in places with no noise ordinances on the books, and the police pointed out that they cannot enforce a law which is not on the books. if you have the misfortune to live in such a place, after you've called the police, let your landlord know about this situation. most leases have a clause which guarantees your ability to peacefully enjoy your tenancy. if they are hampering this, they can be open to eviction. it's a long drawn out affair, and needs both a cooperative landlord, and documentation. you could consider moving.
you could leave an anonomous note under the door. If they don't get the hint, call the police and you can tell the police that you don't want them to know it was you who called. After they get fined a couple of times, they will quiet down.
I would say FIRST, no matter how angry you are at them, calmly knock on their door and ask them (polite as possible) to please not continue with loud music after 10pm......

If that doesn't work, THEN contact the property Manager through the Leasing Office in your Apt community, explaining that you have contacted that tenant (give the apt #) on one occasion first, but that they still seem to have no respect for other tenants, and that you would like something done as soon as possible or that next time you will then contact the Authorities (police). Its best to put everything in writing (i.e. what noise/from what apt/at what time/date/any names/ etc) so that you have a track record of these noisy residents for the future (for the Police), if it should happen again and/or escalate into any truly disturbing behavior....That should work*
* Like others have said call the cops !

* If you have a cell phone AND a land line call from BOTH !

* Any other cell phones in the home call from those too!

call police. the thing is that if you go ask them, they will not like you and it will be awkward when you see them. Plus if they are drinking they can get violent. I think in our area the noise ordinance says after 11 pm so you may want to check with your local police to see what the rules are. I know in NewYork City there are signs saying no noise or 350 dollar fine. I know what you are going through. Do you have some good ear plugs and sometimes I turn on a fan just for the muffling sound it makes but in your case it may not be enough.
if you know these people maybe you should bring it to their attention that the late night noise is interferring with your work. They might be reasonable people. you have 2 ways to deal with it: a) confront them about it or B) call the cops and report the noise level and the cops will come and give them a ticket. you will remain annonymous with the cops.
Well, there are two things that you can do. It depends on the relationship and the liking that you have of your neighbors. You could: 1. Tell them about the situation and ask them to keep it down ( I personally only suggest this if you are friends with your neighbor) 2. Call the cops and ask about curfew and noise complaints. Every town has a time limit on noise from music, and often vehicles. If your neighbors are having youth at their parties, I'd ask the police if there is a curfew for your area.
First step, ask nicely.

If you have a home-owner's thing going on, then you can take the complaint there, next.

If that doesn't work... contact the police and file a noise complaint. Repeatedly, if necessary.

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