I'm currently 13 days late on my period. This isn't the first time I've been late. Ever since I became sexually active and got a yeast infection I've been late lots of times but usually only by 5 days. I have been 2 1/2 weeks late once but it was from stress. The last time I had sex was a few days before I was suppose to start. I was stressed a little bit but not much at the time. Now I'm starting to get stressed thinking I might be pregnant. My breasts have gotten bigger which they usually did before I would start my period. They do feel more watery than usual though. I also gotten a little bit more body fat but I wasn't sure if it was from drinking a lot of soda and eating sweets last week that might of caused it since it feels like water weight. I was wanting to know if anyone else has had a problem with a yeast infection that has caused you to be late?
Late period from yeast?theatre
no, a yeast infection wouldn't interfere with your cycle, it's probably just stress, you may not feel stressed, but even being irritated at the fact that you have the yeast infection is a form of stress, and I KNOW those damn things are irritating. It still does sound like you are stressing by the way you are talking about your weight and your breasts, and since you have been late several times before due to stress then that is most likely the case. If you are this late than you may not have this period at all this month, I've done that. Your breasts would not swell, and you would not be gaining weight this early on if you did happen to be pregnant, don't stress out, and use some birth control girl!!!
Late period from yeast?opera music opera theater
Yes, it is possible. Also stress and lack of vitamins and iron.
your pregnant
A yeast infection will NOT cause your period to be late.
This is the most important thing I want to tell you. I am a diabetic and had suffered from a yeast infection for 1 1/2 yrs that the dr couldn't get rid of. I want to tell you something that you can take that keep you from ever getting a yeat infection again. I am not selling anything, I use this stuff, and there are many health benefits, so go check it out. The name of the product is Florify it is made by Melaleuca. To learn more go to www.melaleuca.com Good luck
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